Fitness Mania – Curcumin & Vitamin D Capsule – 180capsules – Free delivery on all orders over $150.
Description: Our Curcumin & Vitamin D capsules deliver a combination of 60mg NovaSOL ® curcumin extract and 11µg vitamin D per serving.The distinctive micellar structure of the liquid curcumin extract ensures enhanced bioavailability and absorption – making it the most unique, effective, and easy-to-consume form available!Why choose Curcumin & Vitamin D?Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric, a member of the ginger family. Although widely used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines for centuries, it’s only recently that curcumin extract has gained popularity as a food supplement.Vitamin D on the other hand, is well-known for its range of health benefits, and is primarily synthesised under the skin as a result of sun exposure. During winter months many people can become deficient in this essential vitamin, which is why it’s so important to supplement it.Benefits of Vitamin D:Maintenance of normal bones and teethNormal muscle and blood calcium levelsNormal function of the immune systemNormal muscle functionWho’s it suitable for?Achieving optimum bone health is essential, especially for those who train or play sport regularly. Bones play such an important role in our lives, from everyday movement to guarding vital organs – and now protecting your their health is easier than ever.Check out The Zone for more about turmeric and curcumin!