Search for AA and NA meetings using convenient filters like location, time of day, or a specific focus like “Women's Stag” or “Closed Step Study.”
Pink Cloud currently shows AA meetings with driving directions in:
– 11 countries (USA, Australia, England, Ireland, Israel, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, Taiwan, Wales)
– 28 additional cities (Bangalore, Beijing, Berlin, Budapest, Calgary, Chengdu, Chennai, Delhi, Edmonton, Frankfurt, Hamilton, Hong Kong, Hyderabad, Krakow, Macau, Mississauga, Mumbai, Munich, Ottawa, Paris, Pune, Rome, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver, Vienna)
Pink Cloud shows NA meetings with driving directions in:
– Everywhere in the world with the exception of Iran currently.
Attending meetings is only one part of sober living, and Pink Cloud offers several other helpful features:
*Sobriety*: track your birthday, total time, and maintain your current recovery step.
*Program*: a list of daily to-do items which resets every morning.
*Notes*: keep notes related to your sobriety.
*Prayers*: access a list of common prayers and create custom prayers.
*Phone List*: call, text or e-mail your Sobriety-related friends and acquaintances.
With Pink Cloud, your road to recovery is mapped out and tracked in one safe, anonymous app.