Wondering what essential oil to use to help you and your loved ones feel better… fast?
End the guessing game by simply typing in the ailment in the Search for answers.
A robust search to quickly find any aiment, oil, blend or body system
Recommend oils and blends for over 640 ailments
Look up detailed information on the origins, purposes, safety, and top uses of over 60 individual essential oils
Browse over 30 proprietary blends carefully and artistically crafted to offer superior efficacy and therapeutic benefits. Each blend includes top uses and safety recommendations
Explore the systems of the body and get recommended oils, blends, and supplement solutions specific to each body system.
Easily navigate between ailments, oils, blends and body systems
Spend more of your time feeling your best. Did you know that the first 24 hours are the most crucial to start using your natural solutions to help you feel better faster? When you use essential oils right away, consistently and regularly, you can get better faster. Find answers quickly so you stay well and are ready for anything.
The information contained in this app is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or otherwise reduce the effects of any disease of ailment. Consult a licensed and qualified health care provider for diagnosis, medical care, and treatment.