The hCG app's purpose is to easily allow you to keep track of every step of your protocol.
Check out our website for screenshots and a video demonstration at
hCG app features:
– Daily tracking on Home Screen
– hCG reminders set for sublingual, injection or drops (up to 5 times a day as set in preferences)
– Notes with checkboxes to quickly find where and why you lost or gained weight.
– Real–time start and end date tracking. Includes manual override on days
– Ability to store photos in all stages
– Tag and email photos from each stage
– Progressive weight loss graph, editable
– Progressive measurements graph, editable
– Easy to follow reminders about each stage of the protocol
++ Notification Reminders even when phone in sleep mode
– Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches as a reference guide & AUDIO BOOK.
– Ability to create custom meals every day from allowed foods.
– Menu Page; that list your daily proteins and fruits along with an hCG reminder box.
– Ability to plan each weeks meals ahead of time
– Automatic shopping list created from what meals you have planned organized by week
– A current and extensive food database created by people who have been on the protocol.
– includes vegetarian food allowances.
– Password Protection