iTunes “What's Hot” 12/29/09
Bon Appétit Jan '10 Issue
Ever wonder how many calories or carbohydrates are in your favorite alcoholic beverages?
Not anymore! DrinkFit provides nutritional information for Beer, Cocktails, Liquor, Wine Coolers, Wine & Mixers.
Perhaps you've wondered just how many minutes to add to your workout routine to make up for last night's wild party…
Maybe you've been at a restaurant and wondered what types of wine had the least amount of carbs…
With DrinkFit, these problems are solved!
Curious which light beer has the fewest calories? Want to know which cocktails to avoid? Looking for a healthy mixer? The power is now at your fingertips!
Product Details Include:
• 1,600+ Drinks Listed. More and more drinks being added in future updates!
• Nutrition Labels include Serving Size, Calories, Total Fat, Fat Percentage, Total Carbohydrate, Carbohydrate Percentage, Total Protein, Protein Percentage, and Total Sugar.
• My Night feature lets you track your consumption on the go!
• Many new features on the way!
DrinkFit strives to provide you with accurate nutritional information by continuously contacting brewers and manufacturers to ensure that data is current. If you notice an error or have a suggestion, please e-mail
Note: DrinkFit should not be used as a precise dietary reference. Please, consult your doctor before consuming any beverage listed in DrinkFit.