Track Calories, Carbs and other nutrition information. With details for 100,000 foods, 300 restaurants, and 500 specific brands, CalorieSmart helps you stay connected to nutrition values anytime, anywhere.
* Nutrition info for 100,000 foods, 300 popular fast food and casual dining restaurants and 500 specific food brands
* Adjustable serving sizes for ounces, grams, cups, and items
* Supports US and SI (metric) units
* Sync to our cloud servers to backup data and to use multiple devices to access your logbook.
* Track your body weight
* Use the calorie needs calculator to estimate how many calories you should be consuming for your weight goals
* Record daily calorie and exercise goals
* Build a “favorites” list of foods and exercises for quick entry
* Create pre-set entry categories like “100 calorie snack” or “morning coffee with creamer”
* Utilize exercise calorie per minute values specific to your weight, time spent, and type of exercise done
* Enter direct calorie values displayed from cardio machine workouts
* Create customized exercise routine entries, such as 200 calorie yoga class.
* See daily totals for calories eaten and burned
* Email your log information that can be opened by any spreadsheet program.
* Great for weight loss goals that fit with all types of diets
* Helpful for those with special nutrition concerns such as diabetics, pregnant women, and athletes
* Incorporates a regularly updated food and exercise database every time you update this App
Make your weight loss and nutrition goals a reality.
Since 2003, Coheso, based in Pleasanton, California has been making health management tools. Healthy eating tips and other useful information are at A complete restaurant list is available at