Take your fitness to the next level! With GymMate Bleep tests, you can monitor your fitness levels by using a combination of bleep controlled tests to attain a 'Fitness Score'.
The Bleep Tests allows you to test yourself against four different bleep tests. The Multistage Fitness Test (Run) otherwise known as the VO2 Max test, as well as a Pull-ups, Press-ups and Sit-ups bleep test. These used individually give the user a score for what level you achieve. However, used together encompassing all four of the tests, you are able to receive a fitness score, which can be used to gauge your current fitness level. All scores can be saved and compared over time.
• Run a bleep test anywhere, without having to carry around a CD player.
• These tests can be any one of the following: VO2 Max Multistage Bleep test (run), Pull-ups test, Press-ups test and Sit-ups test.
• View test progression over time.
• Real time display of current stage and increment or reps achieved.
• Voice announcement of stage or rep number as you progress.
• Fitness score can be saved to the cloud and used to analyse performance over time.
• 3D touch for compatible devices – hard press on the app icon to access shortcut links to the tests.