Scientific trials have shown great health benefits such as a marked increase in stamina/endurance (run time until exhaustion in mice on a TRE diet was 144 minutes in one study; nearly twice that (78 mins) of mice that could eat whenever they wanted), lower inflammation, lower risk of diabetes, improved heart health, increased HGH levels, improved brain function and better recovery from workouts.
This TRE app is extremely simple to use. The front screen shows your rolling performance over the last 7 days, the orange bars where your time between your first and last meal was greater than 9 hours, and green when less than 9 hours. Studies of TRE showed that you can actually have up to 2 'cheat' days per week without any loss of health benefit; the chart also shows your average 5 day performance.
Recording the times you started and finished eating is simple – just hit 'record' and dial in the times. You can even tap back to enter in the previous days' times if you forget.