You can measure the speed of your serve, forehand, backhand, volley, smashes and short put away shots.
You can measure reading for:
1. Speed in kilometres per hour and miles per hour.
2. Distance in metres and yards.
3. Baseline to baseline reading.
4. Service line to baseline reading.
5. Net to baseline reading.
There is also a ranking screen that records:
1. Three fastest serve speeds and the dates they were recorded.
2. Four fastest forehands and the dates they were recorded.
3. Four fastest backhands and the dates they were recorded.
4. Four fastest volleys and the dates they were recorded.
5. Four fastest smashes and the dates they were recorded.
6. Four fastest short put aways and the dates they were recorded.
The reading screen displays speed of the ball, ball travelling time and the distance that the ball travelled.
This app is great for all ages and standard of tennis players wanting to improve their tennis game.