Sugars include sucrose (sugar added to foods), fructose in fruit, and lactose in milk. Too much is converted into fat resulting in obesity and type 2 diabetes. People who are lactose or galactose intolerant need to avoid foods containing these sugars.Use the count and organiser tools to keep a daily record and bar chart illustration of the individual sugars and total sugar in g and %carbRDA (Adult Daily Recommended Dietary Allowance) provided by 250 heart healthy foods, 54 popular “not heart healthy” foods, and foods you choose to add to the counter using the edit tool in the quantities you’ve eaten.
With around 200 photos, the tool also provides essential nutritional knowledge for a heart healthy diet and 250 heart healthy foods (including heart-healthy scores) to support diet planning for health, wellness, and fitness and protection from disease.
The interface is easy, quick, and intuitive to navigate, colour-coded, searchable, and zoomable using the pinch screen function. Viewable in landscape and portrait.