Panic Relief is made by a danish psychiatrist and specialist in cognitive therapy, Marianne B. Geoffroy.
4 short cartoons with animations show you how to cope with the unpleasant sensations in your body while staying mentally calm and in control.
Are you a professional, a doctor or psychologist? The app can be used as a supplement to psychotherapy and/or medical treatment for panic, anxiety and stress disorders.
Typical situations where panic attacks may start:
– in supermarkets, in crowds
– in public transports, in airplanes
– on highways, crossing bridges, in heights
– before exams or job interviews
– in other situations where you might feel stuck e.g. at the dentist, at formal gatherings and meetings, in restaurants etc.
helps you discover what your normal breathing pattern at rest looks like and how you avoid too deep and frequent breathing during panic, also called hyperventilation. Hyperventilation causes dizziness and makes anxiety and panic even worse.
is a wellknown CBT method often called ‘breathing in squares’. This tool gives you both visual and mental focus if you use it during anxiety and panic. It will make you stay in mental control while the body calms down.
shows you a quick and easy technique for relaxation which will make a panic attack feel less intense.
is a visualization exercise which is useful when you have read 'What is a Panicattack' and read about our flight/fight reflex. Follow this animation and let the turmoil inside you become transformed into a more pleasant sensation.
Read ‘More’: 'What is a Panicattack', read about why some of us are prone for anxiety attacks and about why they are a normal reaction that happens in the body. Also read why panic attacks may come and go in periods and find answers to other frequently asked questions.
See also: