* 12 easy-to-follow training videos for 20 different exercises.
* 33 full-round workout videos. Workout with the trainer.
* 33 challenge workout videos.
For men & women of all ages.
Join RKC Certified kettlebell instructor Robert Budd as he safely walks you through the basic kettlebell exercises.
These are easy-to-follow training videos for over 20 exercises (12 fundamental kettlebell exercises, plus variations using dual kettlebells).
* Swing & Double Swing
* Clean & Double Clean
* Press & Double Press
* Push Press & Double Push Press
* Jerk & Double Jerk
* Snatch & Double Snatch
* Squat & Double Squat
* Thruster & Double Thruster
* Turkish Get Up
* Renegade Row
* Bear Crawl
* Figure 8 to a Hold
33 original workouts allow you to workout along with Robert. Simply repeat the video for additional rounds.
* 10 Minute Smoker
* 20 Minutes to Heaven
* 6th Of May
* All Hands On Deck
* A Lot of Speed
* Bed Bug
* Cinco De Mayo
* Dear Abby
* Dear John Part 2
* DJ
* Don't Fight It
* Everything TGU
* Feeling Too Good
* Fun Fall Day
* Gauntlet
* Head Band
* Increase the Reps
* Iron Mike
* Jerking
* Jump For Joy
* Jump Fast
* MS Trained
* Pride
* Some Squats
* Strength Day #2
* Sunday Furnace
* The Basics
* The Flow
* The Minimum
* Time For A Change
* T Time
* Welcome Janeen
When you get more proficient, try these 33 additional challenge videos. Robert simply instructs the workout, and you do it.
* 3 Kinds
* 6th of May
* All Hands On Deck
* Bed Bug
* Cinco De Mayo
* Dear Abby
* Dear John
* DJ
* Everything TGU
* Feeling Too Good
* Flip Side
* Grad Day
* Happy Days
* Increase the Reps
* Iron Mike
* Jerking
* J Low
* Jump For Joy
* Just Fast
* Just Simple
* Make It Stick
* Some Squats
* So Simple
* Stretching and Basic Warmup
* Sunday Furnace
* The Basics
* The Flow
* The Minimum
* Time For A Change
* T Time
* Welcome Janeen
* Win the Fight
Additional videos include:
* Kettlebell Safety
* How to choose the right size kettlebell
* Other recommended equipment & alternate exercises
If you were to have private training with Robert for the content included in this app, it would cost you… well, considerably more!
About Robert Budd:
Robert Budd is an RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, offering effective and efficient training. He creates completely original kettlebell workouts 5 days a week for his kettlebell classes in Encinitas, California.
Robert's workouts combine kettlebell training with the best of exercises from a number of areas, including: body weight (gravity) exercises, TRX, rowing, yoga, & pilates.
With a background in martial arts, powerlifting, bodybuilding, swimming, football, basketball, long distance running and Russian kettlebell athletics (Givroy sport), Robert knows how to program workouts to be safe, effective & balanced – to prevent injuries & overtraining.
Robert's training is based around functional movement. His kettlebell training involves movement in different planes, with both static and dynamic strength, to enhance everyday life. If functional movement is practiced in a controlled environment (workouts), then the movements required for life's little surprises & spills will have less adverse effects.