YouTube Tutorial:
Fitbit uses the following variables to calculate for sleep:
timeInBed = minutesToFallAsleep + minutesAsleep + minutesAwake
Full Sleep Sync for Fitbit uses this information to write sleep data to Apple Health like so:
Apple Health InBed = startTime to startTime + timeInBed
Apple Health Asleep = startTime + minutesToFallAsleep to startTime + minutesToFallAsleep + minutesAsleep
* Due to Fitbit limitations, a maximum of 62 days will be synced at a time.
* Fitbit only allows for 150 days to be synced per one hour.
* All information that is read from Fitbit is immediately put into Apple Health and then discarded. The app does not store any of the information.
* The URL Scheme for this app is fullsleepsyncforfitbit
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Fitbit is a registered trademark and service mark of Fitbit, Inc. Full Sleep Sync for Fitbit is designed for use with the Fitbit platform. This product is not put out by Fitbit, and Fitbit does not service or warrant the functionality of this product.