• Alcohol calculator
• Notifications
• You can recalculate time if you drank more
Creators and application developers will not be liable for the results of the calculations and their consequences. Do not drink while driving!
A lot of effort was put into Drive After algorithm for calculating the values. Most BAC calculators assume that you quickly downed your drink, and, even worse, they assume that you’ve already completely digested the drink. This is not how it works in real life.
The core concept of Drive After is based on the scientifically accepted Widmark formula, which is used by the German justice system. This formula allows you to your BAC based on how many grams of alcohol you ingested.
But this formula does not consider the amount of time it takes you to ingest a drink, the content level of your stomach, or the speed of your metabolism.
Drive After takes all of these factors into consideration because it uses a much more precise algorithm. When you use Drive After, you can access data supported by solid scientific research in a beautiful and easy-to-use interface.
Please note that the values should be used only as a guide and should never be used to determine if you are able to drive.
Drive After accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.