Each Bikini Fit week is broken down into the following focus areas to leave you looking and feeling great:
• Diet & nutrition
• Fat-burners
• 10-minute toners
• Skin & beauty
Detox, weight-loss, beauty and energy plans explain nutrients, workouts and health tips for each week.
Step-by-step fat-burning and muscle toning exercises target problem areas and firm up your figure for the beach, while skin and complexion tips will leave you glowing with good health.
What people are saying about the Bikini Fit diet:
• “I have just started the Bikini Fit program and in 3 days, I have lost 5 pounds and feel great.”
• “Motivating, encouraging, just what I needed for lunch-break.”
• “Perfect for right after the holidays to lose the cookie weight!”
• “I have managed to lose 2 stones and feel so much better.”
• “What I like is that everything in it is very simple to apply.”
• “My hair is thicker, skin softer, energy levels up.”
• “Sensible exercise and realises that not everyone has hours each day to spend working out.”
• “I am already getting compliments that I look thinner and even happier.”
• “7-stage detox diet is safe and very doable. It's great, especially for those who have never followed a detox program before.”